ux resources

UI/UX Resources: What are the amazing 7 free UI, UX resources?

In order to interact with a product or service, there is the User Interface (UI) which is the series of screens, pages, and visual elements including buttons and icons.

When a person interacts with the product and services of the company, then the person feels the internal experience which is known as User experience (UX resource).

What are UI and its brief history?

In simple words, UI (user interface) is anything with which a user may interact in order to use a digital product or service. It includes all the things from screens, touch-screens, keyboards, sounds, and even lights.

In the 1970s, when there was not much technology, you had to use a computer by using the command-line interface. There is an obvious fact that at that time graphical interfaces existing today were not common during these days. You had to communicate via programming language and you require infinite lines of code to complete a simple task. In simple words, working with a computer was not very easy in those days.

  There was a point and click the mouse in the Macintosh personal computer which was invented in 1984 by Apple Computer. The UI was born in reaction to the inability to interact with computers. As technology is growing so is the case with the role of UI designers. Their role is also increasing.

What are UX and its brief history?

As the improvements in the UI were increased, so the User experience is was also increased. Based on the feelings and perceptions about UI, the improvements in the UI were also increased.

The “User experience” was coined by Cognitive scientist Don Norman and defined in the following way: “User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-users interaction with the company, its services, and its products.”

  Some have said about User experience as the field experience and some had said that it is simply an experience design. The definition given by Norman is at the core of every thought experience design. This focused on human beings, it is interacting with.

So, we can say that UI enables a person to interact with a product or service, and UX resource, on the other hand, is an experience of the individual when he/she interact with the product or service.

1. Product Design Course: Udacity

UI/UX Resources

On this platform, you can learn product validation, UI/UX practices, Google’s Design Sprint. You will also be able to learn the process for setting and tracking actionable metrics. By following this course, you will be able to materialize your game-changing idea and transform it into a product that will be famous. This product will help you to build a business around.

 This course will help you to create a digital experience. You will be able to have a familiarity and fluency with design research fundamentals. By having these qualities, you can identify the user and their needs. So, you will then synthesize your research and you will be able to use design sprints to take an idea from concept to low-fidelity prototype.

2. InVision Books

UX Resources

On this platform, you will be provided free UI/UX books made by Invision. “Design Engineering” is an essential discipline to create great products. All the products will be innovative which will bring the form and content together. There are several books on designing which will be helpful to all creative designers.

 All the members of the InVision team are the champions of the design and all the members believe that all the customers are champions of design. As we are human beings, so we need a little inspiration from time to time.

3. Medium

There are various UX collective stories on UX, Visual, and Product Design. This platform is to share the unheard design voices all over the world. It is an independent Design Publication. You will be amazed to know that several designers share their UX collective stories on UX or Product Design.

4. UX Matters

UX Matters

As from the name it is obvious that this platform shares the best articles and stories. All these articles and stories are used to inspire the UXD community. This platform includes several columnists and authors who shed a light on important UX resource topics. This platform is also best for those professionals who are working in every aspect of  User  Experience. All these things are also helpful for those who just beginning their career.

After the founding of this platform, all the people had expanded their goals and missions. They are offering content that is beneficial for the UX professionals and Stakeholders including business people, product managers, and front-end developers.

5. Nielson Norman Group

This platform is also helpful for designers of every type. There are famous world leaders in UX who share articles about UX and UI for free. There will be a lot of information that will be a good guide on user experience. The team of this platform tries to highlight the best designs by studying real users around the world.

Because the users are the important factors in this platform, so more focus is on the UX resources. Only users can tell about the best designs. Users’ actions are more important than their words. The team also helps the brands so that they can create the best designs and will enhance their experience.

6. High Resolution as the UX resources

High Resolution is such a platform that is a limited video series on product design and design thinking. They try to ask the experts how the best companies communicate through designs.

The clear focus of this platform will be on the following things: How you can discuss the function and value of design, within your organization and with non-designers? how you can bring a design culture into your business? How to attract stakeholders? How to enhance the confidence of your team?

7. Flux

There is no doubt that Flux is a very helpful UX resourse to designers. It is dedicated to the help of high-value designers. You will be provided if you are a high-value designer, a meticulous detail about how one can become a high-value designer.

  This channel is owned by Ran Segall. He is a designer and entrepreneur. On the show, he shares his journey. All the struggles and lessons during his course of life are explained on this channel. All these stories will surely be helpful for the designers so that they might become high-value designers too.

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