Logo Design Clients

You can find high-quality logo design clients with amazing steps and 3 channels.

A question to wonder about is, How some designers get more logo design clients than others? In this article, we are going to introduce you to some steps and channels which can be used to get high-quality logo design clients.

The 3 included channels will help you a lot to grow as a designer and engage with the design community. Let’s start our topic.

I want to answer to the question, How some designers get more logo design clients than others? Most of the designers  have an individual talent, they work hard and they work with consistency. So, we can say that these are the factors which help a lot in the career of any logo designer to get the high quality logo design clients.

1. Minimize channels

You should bear in mind that you need to focus on just a few channels and work hard on them. When you work hard on them then you will own those channels. So, focus on a few and own those.

1) Dribble

Dribble is a design community. You can share 1-2 posts per week on this platform. Building an online portfolio and sharing the design process will help you a lot in attracting logo design clients. When you engage with the designers then you may have access through invitation. So be hard-working.

2) Instagram

There is not an individual who doesn’t know about Instagram. Instagram is a social community. 1-2 posts can be shared on this platform. Instagram profile must be attractive and open for everyone. The design process will show the whole process of your work and you should engage with designers.

3) Behance

It is like Dribble- a design community. The same process of the posts can be followed on this platform- you can share 1-2 posts per week. Building an online portfolio and sharing the full case studies will help you to engage with the designers and clients. your profile must be opened for everyone which means most of the clients will come and hire you as a logo designer.

Tips to use these channels:

1) Create a Portfolio:

Any individual must not focus only on small bits from a project. When you are doing creative projects, then you should show your process. The process will show which problem you have solved during this project. By showing the process, you can guide your viewers and they will come to you in an honest manner. Logo design clients will love to see your process.

2) Build an Audience:

Building an audience is a perfect way of enhancing your work. The more clients will come, the more you will succeed in your field as a logo designer. Instagram is such a place which will help youu alot in creating a big audience. You can share the posts and get feedback. Instagram is beneficial in the sense that you can get the feedback and you have to give the “behind the scenes” insight.

3) Share your process:

Sharing the process is the best way of attracting the audience. Behance, like Dribble, is the best place for building an online portfolio. You should focus on the larger projects on this platform. By sharing the larger case studies, you will get your work featured. By posting a “Logo Collection”, you will get more logo design clients.

2. Consistency

You should learn to “Rise above the Noise”. This quotes is from Branding Master David Brier. Consistency is such a thing which will show the clients that you can work with them on regular routine. Consistency in any individual will take him to a good position. We can say that through consistency we can make ourselves successful.

You should focus on the following things:
  • 1) You should show your best work.
  • 2) Just do goo in your presentations.
  • 3) By exploring styles you will have a variety but you should have a keeping quality at the first position.
  • 3) Simple and to the point things will help you a lot in getting the best logo design clients.
  • 4) Process is such a thing that shows your work. You should focus deeply on the process.
  • 5) Make clear to the clients that which problems did you solve during the project.

Tips to show Consistency:

You should be available most of the times on your channels which will help your clients to contact with you. By working on the personal brand and including a “Call-to Action” (in post + in BIO), you will make it easy for the clients to reach out to you.

Posting consistently and sharing about the project will create a big difference. By sharing the insight into the projects, not only end-results, you will make your process understandable.

You should show which problems did you solve during the project. This will attract the audience to the belief which problems you can solve.

I have already told you that you should show high-quality content which means you should not show the end-results. You must answer the question, Why is your creative solution working? Wondering the logo design clients with the actual facts will attract them to you.

3. Share your Process

Here I am giving you an example of my own process. I use to push all the important and quality points into one image. You and I should try to do this but we need to keep it organized and clear.

Logo Design Process

4. Create case studies

We have already told you that showing the problems which you have solved will help you to get the clients. You should show to the quality logo design clients that which problems you have solved during the previous projects. Clients will love to see these problems and their solutions will surely attract them.

When you are making your process journey then you should include the following things:

The ChallengeProduct Shops/MockupsYour ApproachProcess Shots/People
Engagement/Team WorkConcept DevelopmentEye Catching VisualsCommunications
ProductionSolution(s)AnimationsClient Experience
MilestonesTimelinePeople InvolvedTools

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