A personal website is necessary. What are the 5 amazing benefits of a personal website?

Personal websites are no longer a luxury rather they serve to be a NECESSITY for your design career. They act as a mirror, giving an ultimate reflection of your brand’s values and personality. They bridge the gap between the brand and consumers. They also give voice to your REAL IDENTITY- a sheer sense of who you are! To keep with the current design trends and patterns, one needs to create a personal website.

Everyone is stuck in a muddle of unending tasks. We find ourselves busy to a certain extent, irrespective of how skilled we are at designing. If you are a beginner, then you might be busy with your primary design concepts. If you have made a mark as a pro-designer, you are almost neck-deep in your design projects.

“A personal website is vital, but it needs to change and evolve.”- Cory Trépanier

In a contemporary competitive environment, one should not resist having a personal website. There is no lame excuse for not having one website of your own!!! If you have been remitting the creation of your website, NOW is the time to muster up the courage and direct your attention to acknowledging your online presence.

A rudimentary designer might be happy in his/her initial design PARADISE but with the development of projects, he/she might find the creation of a personal website as a dire need. A powerful website helps you flourish in may domains. Following are some of the essential PLUS POINTS of having a personal website:

1.     It allows you to control your image:

Are you applying for a new job or starting a design project? Having a personal website helps you to exert control over your impression with full autonomy. A new project demands a new cycle of searching for your project. Most of the people opt for searching your name online. Yeah!!! Having a personal website allows you to have a fine share of your name (also Googling 😊).

Web Designer
A brand Image on Google

You are free to provide an account of your works, projects, achievements, and many more. The most powerful aspect of having your website is that you are at liberty to control the information you would like to tell the world. Unveiling certain concepts while backgrounding the remaining ones-You have the right to share what you want!

2.    It paves a social platform for you:

Most of us try to remain introverts throughout our life. The so-called RECLUSES😉, keep aside all the social platforms at bay. Being an introvert doesn’t mean to feel shame in it. Not mingling at the parties is perfectly OKAY! But social interaction proves to be somewhat challenging for those who resist interacting with people. A personal website comes to the rescue and changes the whole scenario.

Personal website
Connect with clients

You become a social person by swapping ideas on the website and allowing your work to be criticized constructively. Since there is a human behind the bars of social apps and websites with a particular username, it makes it super easy for others to have a smooth interaction with you. Try to work on your website and reduce your social barriers.

3.    It allows interaction with different clients:

Working on the ESSENTIALS of your website enhance its visibility. Keeping a minimalist layout on the website reflects your project’s personality and value. A simple yet descriptive bio paired with a basic design gives the clients all the possible information to get an idea and better understating of your work.

An updated portfolio with all the distinguishing features makes your website stand out. Big creative agencies and well-established business companies try to find your skills easily and approach you with a surprising proposal-All the benefits jampacked in a unified whole package. Interacting with such big companies through twitter isn’t the right option. You need an appropriate medium to reach them out. So, a personal website helps you accomplish this task.

4.    It enables you to emphasize your passions and standout:

Your website should not be confined to professional facets only. Your website can your playground where you showcase most of your favorite workpieces. Emphasizing on passions and working some good stuff-it genuinely allows you to enjoy the whole process. By displaying both personal and professional aspects of your project, one can easily extract the underlying passion of your work.

If you bring your strengths to the light, it becomes easy to identify what elements make your work stand out. Always carry your past experiences with yourself as they help you in the long run. A personal website holds the freedom of being super extensive and appealing because it allows the involvement of images, work extracts, and sometimes testimonials. Let your passion shine through your website!

5.    It acts as a gateway to new business realms:

A personal website opens the way for your successful business endeavors. Now’s the best time to start a personal website and make things going in the right direction. It will boost up your morale and help you gain apt experience while you have a long way to go pro. A personal website is a good option to unveil tons of business opportunities for you. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

Personal Website
Digital Agency

Working on innovative designs and premium icon sets allows you to unleash your design credibility. The bigger the design business, the more important it is to focus on building up your reliability and credibility. Try to balance the proportion of your design project and personal website.

The requisites of a personal website:

Creating an elementary website requires certain essential elements. The basic-level website should not be a costly option. It should be confined to almost $150 (Contact now). It should include certain elements such as:

  • A proper domain name (including.com/.net)
  • A simple yet subtle WordPress theme
  • CDN (content delivery network) which is needed to enhance the speed of your website.

You need to work on certain customization features and you will have a unique website that turns out to be different from the initial sample. For a beginner, these requisites are more than enough.

When you want to make a mark on your website, you will need to put up much effort. More time and money are needed on your part. The cardinal rule is to instill such elements into the website that reflect your passions explicitly. Much focus should be laid on custom design so that the website exercises a huge impact on the clients.

Once you are done with making your website, your need to give a few hours to it daily. Don’t forget to update your website. Work on your posts and provide them on the website every few days.

Unleash your personality through your website!

Provide yourself a broad platform for giving voice to your aims and passions. A personal website is a good choice for making you socially interactive, acknowledging your interests, captivating the attention of various companies and businesses. You won’t regret having a website of your own.

Give your website a whirl!

“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”-Robert Kiyosaki

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